organizational communication

We define organizational communication as the sending and receiving of messages between interrelated individuals within a particular setting or environment to achieve individual and common goals. Organizational communication is highly contextual and culturally dependent. Individuals in organizations convey messages through face-to-face, written, and media channels.

Organizational communication helps us to 1) perform tasks related to specific sales, service, and production roles and responsibilities; 2) acclimatize to changes through individual and organizational creativity and adaptation; 3) complete tasks by maintaining policies, procedures, or regulations that support daily and ongoing operations; 4) develop relationships in which “human messages are addressed to people within the organization: their attitudes, morale, satisfaction and fulfillment” (Goldhaber 20); and 5) coordinate, plan, and control the organization’s operations through management (Katz & Kahn; Redding; Thayer). Organizational communication is the way in which organizations represent, present and constitute their organizational climate and culture.

Organizations are looking for people who can follow and give directions, listen accurately, provide helpful feedback, get along with co-workers and clients, network, provide helpful information, work well in teams, and solve problems creatively and critically. and present ideas in an understandable way.

In a world of globalization, communication is one of the most innovative processes, especially for companies, which is why it is important to create training spaces to strengthen a communication guide between collaborators and employees.

The main recommendation to create healthy workspaces is to establish spaces to share, listen and propose alternatives. In this way, an organizational communication process is also created where all employees can participate.

Developing organizational communication awareness and effectiveness is more than just technical or practical knowledge. Efficient organizational communication implies knowing how to create and exchange information, work with diverse groups or individuals, communicate in complicated and changing circumstances, as well as having the attitude or motivation to communicate appropriately.


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